Being Muslim Today
Reclaiming the Faith from Orthodoxy and Islamophobia
The truths of every religion are challenged and re-written, serving as ammunition for some of history’s most enduring debates. But perhaps no other religion suffers as much from the dualistic fallacy of “good” and “evil” as Islam. Orthodoxy’s interpretation is idyllic and omniscient, simplistic to a fault. Islamophobes, at the other extreme, cultivate stereotypes far from reality. Being Muslim Today muffles the noise to give us a robust and honest take on Islam.
“A forth-write and accessible prose about the ‘basics’ of Islam, Qureshi does not shy away from tackling many of the central debates plaguing Islamic communities in the West. From gender equity to orthodoxy to propensity for violence, this work allows a young adult and general audience to gain the ability to parse nuanced knowledge on Islam."
Hebah Farrag, Assistant Director of Research, University of Southern California, Center for Religion and Civic Culture