Reconstructing Strategy

Dancing with the God of Objectivity

The book pioneers an approach to strategy based on Dr. Saqib Qureshi’s insight that “self-identity is the prime strategic directive.” Qureshi demonstrates the failures of modern strategy, covering personal strategy, organizational strategy and foreign policy strategy partly through the works of three modern strategists.

IndieFab Book of the Year Finalist 2015

Using the construct of self-identity as the starting point to define and develop strategy is a stroke of genius.

Grayson Bass

Rotman School Of Management, University Of Toronto 

Reconstructing Strategy

The book pioneers an approach to strategy based on Dr. Saqib Qureshi’s insight that “self-identity is the prime strategic directive.” Qureshi demonstrates the failures of modern strategy, covering personal strategy, organizational strategy and foreign policy strategy partly through the works of three modern strategists.

Using the construct of self-identity as the starting point to define and develop strategy is a stroke of genius.

Grayson Bass, Rotman School Of Management, University Of Toronto 

The book’s depth, and Qureshi’s breezily unpretentious style, make it a worthy read.

A delightfully nonstandard approach to strategy that doesn’t get bogged down by hyper-technical language.

Kirkus Review

An intellectual gem.

Professor Christopher Coker, London School Of Economics 

The book was extensively researched, with exhaustive footnotes and a multitude of sources.

The author is a skilled writer, and his ability to combine his own viewpoint with relevant examples supporting his argument is impressive. For those with an interest in an enlightened and broad view of strategy, Reconstructing Strategy is sure to be a compelling book

Foreward Reviews

A refreshing deviation from the conventional wisdom on strategy.

Qureshi's wit, backed by his experiences and credentials, offers an influential analysis for decision-makers.

Ian Bremmer, Editor At Large, Time Magazine

A refreshing deviation from the conventional wisdom on strategy.

The book pioneers an approach to strategy based on Dr. Saqib Qureshi’s insight that “self-identity is the prime strategic directive.” Qureshi demonstrates the failures of modern strategy, covering personal strategy, organizational strategy and foreign policy strategy partly through the works of three modern strategists.

Why do I write?

I feel passionately about unshackling people from redundant and stifling restrictions; I want people to live emancipated lives. I’m not the best orator, so I write about this stuff. And to be honest, there’s an element of ego in being a published author.

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Being Muslim Today

Reclaiming the Faith from Orthodoxy and Islamophobia

The truths of every religion are challenged and re-written, serving as ammunition for some of history’s most enduring debates. But perhaps no other religion suffers as much from the dualistic fallacy of “good” and “evil” as Islam. Orthodoxy’s interpretation is idyllic and omniscient, simplistic to a fault. Islamophobes, at the other extreme, cultivate stereotypes far from reality. Being Muslim Today muffles the noise to give us a robust and honest take on Islam.

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Being Muslim Today

Reclaiming the Faith from Orthodoxy and Islamophobia

The truths of every religion are challenged and re-written, serving as ammunition for some of history’s most enduring debates. But perhaps no other religion suffers as much from the dualistic fallacy of “good” and “evil” as Islam. Orthodoxy’s interpretation is idyllic and omniscient, simplistic to a fault. Islamophobes, at the other extreme, cultivate stereotypes far from reality. Being Muslim Today muffles the noise to give us a robust and honest take on Islam.

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The Broken Contract

Making Our Democracies Accountable, Representative, and Less Wasteful

We in the West assume that because we vote, we have democracy. The Broken Contract topped Amazon’s politics charts because it demonstrated the fallacy of this. There is scant ‘people power’ in our governments, which are largely unaccountable, unrepresentative and wasteful.